we just finished our markup of the computer generated floorplans and elevations. As you can see, the plan has been flipped. also, the general layout has changed slightly from the initial handrawn floorplan. there is a jack-n-jill bath configuration for the two smaller rooms in the back, the masterbath is not switched with the master closet. the master bathroom configuration is going to change from the above, and it should be incorporated in the next draft. the kitchen is being tweaked, as well as the roofline on the garage, and the layout of windows. we will have 25 ft beams running throughout the living space/dining space, which will look great. the beams will be somekind of engineered beams. also, there is talks of wrapping the ceiling in the living, dining, kitchen with either wood planks or sheets of maple, birch,etc. the living, dining, and kitchen will get hardwoods which will require the slab to be dropped about 2.5 inch es so that the installation of the wood floors with the tiles will be flush...without any kind of joints or edges. things are progressing and there is talk of breaking ground in march....we will see. next drafts should be back by the weeks end. [click on picture to enlarge]